Water paradises in Europe
by Sibylle Smolka, Katja Runge, Detlev Konnerth | mdr | arte | 2023
Festivals: Mountainfilm Graz 2023
The Tara Gorge
The Danube Delta
The Dordogne
The Tatra mountain lakes
The Spreewald
Wherever water meets earth, nature unfolds its forces in dramatic ways. Spectacular landscapes and extraordinary habitats for plants and animals result, unleashing energies that humans cannot escape; especially when a force of nature like water is involved. But it’s often love at second sight. When it comes to travel destinations, inland waters have tended to take second place to seashores. This appears to be changing now. Young, climate-conscious people, who want to avoid travel by airplane, are increasingly interested in European destinations and in untouched landscapes. And once having discovered the magic of untouched nature, people tend to want more of it.
The series takes the viewer on a journey to lesser known, untouched landscapes in which water plays a central role: breathtaking gorges, lakes, rivers and landscape formations, whose captivating rich flora and fauna leave a lasting impression.