Health should not be a luxury
A film by Detlev Konnerth, Marijke Engel, Jana Kalms | ZDF | 2022
The family into which children are born, the country in which they grow up, and the social class in which they move, all play a role in determining how healthy they are and how long they will live. Factors such as bad nutrition, lack of education and health care, a difficult housing situation or stress, all influence our health. Unhealthy living conditions are inherited just like diseases. It is a cycle that needs to be broken.
But there are hopeful approaches in Berlin, Amsterdam and Naples, that attempt to redefine health.
The struggle for health, regardless of income and social environment, concerns the whole of society.
telekult Film und Medienproduktion GmbH
Kremmener Str. 6
10435 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 / 44 67 37-6
telekult Film- und Medienproduktion GmbH
Kremmener Str. 6
10435 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 / 44 67 37-6