This side of Eden

Arkadia and Nieborów

This side of Eden – Arkadia and Nieborów

Directed by Inga Wolfram | 2015 | MDR | arte


Situated at 75 kilometers west of Warsaw right in the very center of Poland, Nieborów and Arkadia are outstanding examples of 18th century Polish nobility. Only on a whim of the princess, Nieborów was created. From 1778 on, ruler Helena Radziwiłł gave order to start with the construction of parc Arkadia – not far away at all from Nieborów. The park was meant as a place of fantasy and spirit, giving space for the remembrance of a long gone golden Age that actually never truly existed.

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telekult Film und Medienproduktion GmbH

Kremmener Str. 6

10435 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 / 44 67 37-6


Contact us

telekult Film- und Medienproduktion GmbH

Kremmener Str. 6

10435 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 / 44 67 37-6
